Guava fruit is very familiar all around us, many people who know about the guava.
In view of its history, the fruit came from the Central American region, more precisely in the State of Brazil. Then it spread to various countries in Asia, such as Thailand, Indonesia, etc.. Guava is, in many countries is considered as the most important crops. Today, the plant is widely grown throughout the world, mostly in tropical country.
fruit has a vitamin C content is very high and also as a source of
useful minerals to ward off degenerative diseases and help keep in
shape. And, in the leaves and stems are anti-bacterial substances that are useful to cure various kinds of diseases.In
taxonomy, guava into shrubs whose height can reach 10 meters, but has
the advantage of easy to adapt to the environment and regeneration
capability is very good. Very easy to grow in all kinds of seasons and at an altitude of about 5-1200 feet above sea level.
Guava plants are plants of the species of tree that has many branches. The part of this plant that is often used is the leaves, fruit and peel. Guava leaf is often used as a cure diarrhea, and other illnesses that many associated with digestion.
Guava leaves have a very high content of flavonoids, especially quercetin. This compound is useful as an antibacterial, for example to treat diarrhea. The content is useful as an antioxidant polyphenolics.
Almost the same as guava leaves, bark has antibacterial benefits. Both sections have toxic properties of some bacteria that can cause diarrhea. As for the most important is the fruit. The fruit can be consumed by a variety of forms such as pasta, jelly, jam, juice, and a lunkhead.
Type guava
To shape itself is very varied, ranging from round to oval and also fragrant aroma. It feels himself very typical, that sweet, sweet sour and acidic. Distinctive flavor due to the compound eugenol. Fruit skin is very thin with the color green to yellow. The seeds also varies from a little to a lot. Panenya knows no season, can harvest all year round.
Size of the fruit is also very varied, there were 2.5 cm in diameter, even to a diameter of 10 cm. many people who liked the guava fruit that has soft flesh and thick, with a sweet taste, has a few seeds and a large fruit size.
Around the world there are an estimated 150 species of guava. In
Indonesia planted many types of guava guava type of market week, pink
frangipani, breadfruit, guava, cashew apple, cashew milk white, pink
Palembang, Australia guava, pink guava juice and cotton candy.